February, 2010 / Aeration Tillage Part II, Control odor & save $50/acre

In the last issue we discussed the use of aeration tillage for rapid establishment of new legume seedings. It is also used to prepare the soil for conventional drilling small grains. Where interest has really taken off is its use to capture more of the nitrogen in the manure without subsequent soil erosion while simultaneously dramatically reducing the smell effect that has neighbors up in arms.

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January, 2010 / Aeration: The Un-Tillage

Aerators were originally designed for improving the air/soil interface of lawns and golf courses. In other countries they developed heavier units to aerate pastures that were compacted from grazing. They have had sporadic use here in the Northeast. There are two basic similar designs with differences in how the blade is designed and enters the soil. Most units have replaced the solid iron holding the shaft (picture at
right) with a heavy “C” shaped spring, to cushion the impacts with rocks.

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