February, 2011 / The Ugly Duckling Forage

Red clover has the reputation of an ugly duckling. “Isn’t that the wet slop we quit growing a number of years ago?” Unfortunately, because of this attitude, many farms are attempting to grow alfalfa on ground that will not support alfalfa. The stands only last 1 – 2 years before they thin to less than 50% legume and expensive nitrogen additions are needed to keep the field productive (note: I did not say profitable).

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January, 2011 / Finding Profit In Dairy Farming

First low milk price, then as it started to increase, the cost of grains have shot through the roof. How do you get your income out of this cost price squeeze? To maximize production, dairy cows need a balanced nutrition meeting their protein and energy needs, in an effective fiber mix, at lowest cost, while the
animal is in a comfortable environment.

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December, 2010 / Critical Limit to High Forage Yield

As more farms successfully move to the profitability of high (>60%) forage and very high (>70%) forage diets; the forage production becomes ever more critical.

Legume production is key to 1: reducing the need for expensive soy meal whose protein costs 3x more than protein from alfalfa (lower cost of producing milk); 2: high nitrogen prices – legumes can fix a tremendous amount of nitrogen/a/ year compared to grass stands that need purchased N; 3: first year rotated corn after legume needs no additional side dressed nitrogen.

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October, 2010 / Time to Rethink Your Corn Silage Variety Selection

Corn silage is the premier high energy feed on most dairy farms. In corn silage, 55 – 60% is true forage and so fiber digestibility is a key factor in selection for your farm. Normal corn varieties will range 5 – 6 units of NDFd while BMR types add another 5 – 6 units of variability. For every 1 unit increase in NDFd, you gain .55 lbs of 4.0 fat corrected milk. Thus many farms have selected for high digestible fiber and a large number are planting Brown Mid Rib even where they have a greater chance of taking a significant yield hit.

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September, 2010 / Key Fall Management Steps

It is not too late to help legumes overwinter. In a summary of soil samples in an Eastern  NY county, (Graph # 1) shows that 55% of the fields soil tested, would NOT respond to more potassium fertilizer. Many of these fields are corn fields with manure as 30 tons applies over 250 lbs of potash/acre.

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August, 2010 / New Cut Length for Corn

The range of weather conditions from wet to dry has left a wide range of corn maturities. Some sat for 3 weeks waiting for rain before growing. Others had adequate moisture and are maturing early. If you have been in the wetter area, start checking when the corn reaches ½ milk line. For the drier areas, check when 1/4 milk line.

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July, 2010 / Double Crop for Forage Better than BMR Corn

Most farms look at maximizing yield by growing the longest season corn possible. Data presented in the November 2009 Crop Soil News showed that there often isn’t a significant yield difference between very long and moderate full season (eg 110 and 95 day corn) grown properly. Longer means in increasing risk from weather as full season may not have enough summer to properly mature (2009) or get caught with increasingly wet soils September into October (2006). This year looks like not only will it mature, but possibly be early.

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June, 2010 / Sidedress for Maximum Economic Return

The warmer and drier than normal May has been a benefit in that it allowed farms to get their corn in quickly and for most, to harvest some of the highest quality haylage we have seen in some time. A second benefit of the warm and drier conditions is that it maximizes the release and availability of soil & sod nitrogen, and manure nitrogen for the crop, while minimizing losses so far from excess rainfall. Unfortunately some areas have already moved into the excess rainfall scenario.

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May, 2010 / Same Day Haylage Update

The weather of May has been perfect for producing forages of very high digestibility. The sunny days produce lots of highly digestible sugar and starch with very cold nights limiting the respiration losses of that energy. The table at right can be used to determine where your forages are for harvest. If you are still planting corn, STOP. Your losses in haylage quality (and the increased cost of grain to maintain production) are greater than the small yield loss in corn.

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